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當留德皮膚科博士黃美月醫師於1988年正式以麥茵茲為名,成立醫學美容集團之後,麥茵茲所提供的服務,就不再只有MAINZ的字面上意思而已,麥茵茲是國內首創醫學門診與美容沙龍護膚中心結合的機構,並將保養設定在預防醫學的一環,以皮膚科醫學博士的專業領域,來提供最專業的理念與最完善的治療,所以,二十年來,MAINZ所代表的意涵,更擴大到: M……medical……醫學的 A……aesthetic……美學的 I……integrated……整合的 N……new…………新的 Z……zone…………領域 醫學、美學、整合、新的、領域,麥茵茲的品牌,早已領先業界,跨出單一皮膚診所的規模,舉凡美容醫學、加強護理療程、居家美容保養等 由皮膚到塑身甚至頭髮 由問題皮膚到微整容到抗老化……等,麥茵茲都能結合最新的科技及儀器,提供給患者或是愛美人士最優質的服務。 這二十年來,麥茵茲的成績,廣受各界的肯定和鼓勵,在醫學美容領域裡,豎立起屹立不搖的專業形象;在未來的日子裡、在黃美月院長的帶領下,麥茵茲將更加持續MAINZ的品牌理念,積極扮演起「美麗天使」的捍衛者,為患者、為消費者,守護更亮麗的完美肌膚。
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Z moto is specializeds in LED lighting system. Our LED emergency warning lights are the best performing, best looking lights available anywhere in the world. Founded in April 2000 as an optical engineering consulting firm, with its great team of engineers and an experienced staff from the manufacturing field Z moto has become an innovator in LED lighting. Our technologically superior patented optical system surpasses all others in quality and brightness. Customers recognize Z moto by our quality, customer service and innovation, which gives us the advantage to stay one step ahead of the competition. Our steady growth is the result of the solid foundation we developed by consulting with the end users in the industry, so that our engineers and designers can produce a product that is superior to all others. Z moto has committed its future to innovation and excellence in quality with strong emphasis on customer satisfaction that is acknowledged by all our customers.
Citi Venture Capital main business scope of the fund equity investment fund distribution and management, equity acquisitions. In the energy and environmental protection, sports industry, financial services, transportation logistics and related industries, healthcare, retail and FMCG, real estate, construction, machinery manufacturing, new chemical materials, textile clothing, household appliances it, mineral metallurgy, agriculture and public utilities professional investment team 13 fields have long-term research, and investment tracking. Citi Venture Capital after the fund has a professional team of investment services, has a professional team, including senior financial experts Fund program designers, mergers and acquisitions investment management division, asset management planners, business management experts, legal advisers and other professional team. In order to be able to in a broader range of services to more customers. Meanwhile, Citi Venture Capital Inc. actively introduce cooperation agencies, including banks, trust companies, security companies, wealth management companies and other financial institutions, also including accounting firms, law firms, companies and other third-party asset evaluation agencies; Citi Venture Capital to encourage domestic and foreign equity investment bank added in the form of direct investment, provide vast resources and financial support to fund the equity issue, the effort to build a comprehensive asset management institutions. Citi Venture Capital Inc. convergence fund investment philosophy of Taiwan wisdom and Europe will be able to make our wealth and increase the value. Only wealth preservation and appreciation to be able to permanently benefit of mankind. Therefore, talent is our fundamental, is our core competence and core competitive advantage is the preservation and appreciation of the fundamental, but also the root of this legislation we Citi Venture Capital. Citi Venture Capital has a huge fund of experience in human resources and investment services for many years, providing customers with diversified services. To provide investors with a high quality investment information services. We have excellent management team, a sound service system. The research team from several well-known practitioners of the composition of investment institutions, has a wealth of investment experience, able to accurately grasp the current market dynamics and provide customers with the latest accurate investment goods. With a wealth of experience in domestic and foreign investment, strong market analysis capabilities, a unique operational thinking, ahead of the vision, the international advanced mode of investment goods with domestic investment goods, leaving the development of customer acceptance of the equity investment in commodities on the development path of Taiwan equity investment industry has taken an important step forward.
公司已開設七年:採預約制,上班八小時:中午12:00至完上8:00 銷費250up;公司住址:桃鶯路442號,公司營業項目有美容美髮
擁有頂尖的專業技術人員及設備,累積上百場以上的專案經驗,舉凡重要慶典、頒獎典禮、商業演唱會、品牌 服裝秀及新品發表會,都是我們的服務範圍。 承攬具代表性的案子:近幾年BMW 大七系列 大5系列 Z 4 高效動力未來車……全部活動、VISA 、美粒果、華航50週年、SONY、高絲、蘭寇.ck.資生堂.四海同心晚會.大甲媽祖.台北燈節.w飯店開幕.新竹跨年.遠雄建設活動、棚內佈景製作含民視、八大、中天、大愛等、及行政院體委會總統府前舉辦的運動會......等活動。
Nobel Biocare is the world leader in innovative esthetic dental solutions and a one-stop-shop for restorative esthetic dentistry, offering a wide range of innovative Crown Bridge Implant products, as well as training education and clinically documented treatment concepts. Our solutions enable dental specialists, general practitioners and dental technicians to offer patients high esthetic new teeth.
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